
日期: 2016-08-11
浏览次数: 53577
锡山动态 News
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  • 2019 - 08 - 21
    嘉兴南湖,与南京玄武湖和杭州西湖并称为“江南三大名湖”,素来以“轻烟拂渚,微风欲来”的秀丽景色闻名遐迩,同时,中共一大也在南湖举行,这赋予了南湖红色革命的色彩,给原本迷人的自然风光又增添了人文情怀。    南湖景区,既是嘉兴市民休闲好去处,也是外地游客旅游首选地。2017年,结合南湖景区未来空间拓展、内涵深化、配套完善等实际需要,嘉兴市启动了南湖景区滨湖带改造提升的规划设计工作。考虑到南湖景区的重要性,南湖景区项目部对所有户外材料的选择十分谨慎,每种户外材料都需要1年以上的测试,通过测试方可进行后期项目跟进。据了解,项目部共邀请大约十家左右木制品或者仿木制品厂家提供户外地板、户外座椅材料、花箱材料等供项目部测试,测试除了在自然环境下日晒雨淋以外,还增加酸碱浸泡、强紫外照射、高低温、抗压等专业测试。经过一年时间的严苛测试,agiowood材料在各项测试中脱颖而出,最终确定作为景区户外地板、湖边亲水景观坐凳的材料。南湖景区滨湖带第一期改造工程于今年7月份施工结束并完成验收。agiowood独特的复古木纹,与白墙黑瓦的古典建筑及郁郁葱葱的自然风光相映衬,可谓是相得益彰。
  • 2019 - 07 - 29
    暑假来了,今天小编给大家推荐一个千万博主大咖推荐的度假胜地—西双版纳。       西双版纳傣族自治州,位于云南省最南端。 西双版纳 ,古代傣语为“勐巴拉那西”,意为“理想而神奇的乐土”,作为北回归线上的唯一绿洲,葱郁的热带雨林、满大街的热带水果、各式风情的民俗建筑,让人一秒就沉浸到东南亚的异域风情里。      去到西双版纳一定不能错过的网红打卡点—西双版纳悦椿温泉度假酒店, 西双版纳悦椿温泉度假酒店坐落于西双版纳勐海县。这片神奇美丽的人间乐土拥有得天独厚的气候优势,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,年平均气温18.7℃、1200米“人类宜居海拔”和12000亩原生恒春雨林覆盖,成就了“雨林春城”的美誉。       这里得天独厚的自然环境,独具特色的民族风情和装修风格及一流的配套设施融为一体,为顾客创造舒适典雅的环境与氛围。在这里你可以吸收天地之灵气,感受天人合一,让身心得到最大的释放。更令人感到无比惬意的是,AGIO休闲户外家具惊艳绽放于此,成为了一道亮丽迷人的风景线。AGIO作为休闲户外家具定义者作为休闲家具领导者作为美国最畅销的家具大牌成为悦椿温泉酒店的户外家具指定品牌,为酒店提供全套户外家具方案服务。AGIO品牌创立至今视品质如灵魂每一件家具都凝聚了匠心精神由国外专业设计团队倾情打造每一件家具都经过实验室的千锤百炼每一件家具都可以自豪地称作是艺术品从设计到生产,从售前到售后完善专业的服务让您安心,省心!近年来成为许多知名企业、地产、酒店等项目合作的首选品牌!结合酒店得天独厚的自然环境和装修风格,AGIO为酒店的温泉池休闲区,挑选的一排排躺床,摆放在泳池旁,犹如清水出芙蓉的少女优雅娴静,而又不喧宾夺主,和这里的建筑和风景融合得恰到...



With the popularization of various American dramas in China, American leisure furniture has started a trend in China.

Different from the simpleness of North European furniture and the grandeur of European furniture, American leisure furniture has a different style.

 The American style represents the life attitudes of being free and romantic. It not only integrates the luxury style of Europe and the freedom of the American continent, but also represents a simple, leisured, organized and multiple-functional designing thinking, enabling the family to become a pure land for people to release their pressure and free their souls.





Based on natural colors, American leisure furniture integrates the characteristics of various home furnishing. With the characteristics of being free, causal, simple, antique, practical and comfortable, American furniture is greatly loved by people. Moreover, it adopts quality materials and is usually thick, solid and durable.

A piece of furniture can usually be used for decades and hundreds of years. It can be handed down from the grandfather to the father then to the grandson. In American families, it is proud thing to have a piece of furniture used by American people and they usually put such furniture in the most conspicuous place at home.


The basics of American leisure furniture is the life means brought by various emigrant countries in the late European renaissance, which simplifies the classical furniture of Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Egypt and Greece and endows it with both functions and decorating qualities. As is known to all, European furniture is mostly grand and golden, inlaid with gold and silver and can only be afforded by royal families and noblemen. Conversely, American leisure furniture turns such royal quality into common ones, while making it retains its original grand style. The same as what is done by Europeans, it values the carving of detailed parts. However, it does not have an excessively exaggerated style, but pays attention to the practicability of furniture.




The American leisured furniture expresses the casualness of American people and turns family into a place for releasing pressure and alleviating their fatigue.

It can be said that Americans are the “laziest” people in the world. However, they are also people who can enjoy life most. On each weekend, they will forget all pressure in work, go back home, change into leisure clothes and lay on the sofa casually. They can read a newspaper, drink coffee, watch TV or dine with families, completely returning to the natural life. Therefore, casualness and comfort are American furniture’s greatest characteristics. Unlike fancy European furniture, American furniture makes people’s home a real home, instead of making them feel that they have returned to the five-star hotel or office. Therefore, American sofas and chairs are usually bigger, wider and more comfortable, making people feel at home by a simple glance.



about agio


Agio, an Italian word, is translated into leisure, comfort and coziness. It represents the pursuit and appreciation of high-quality life.




With a brand history of over 38 years, Agio furniture has successively ranked first in the North American market for 11 years in terms of its market share. It has been the leader of high-end leisure furniture industry. Leading the latest thinking in the worlds home decoration industry, Agio enables peoples life to be no longer limited to the living room, study and bedroom in the house, but makes them pay attention to the sunshine room, balcony and garden, which are leisured and comfortable open space closer to the nature. Meanwhile, they greatly utilize these spaces functions and design a series of outdoor lying beds, dining tables, chairs, swings and even comfortable sofa suits, bar stools, outdoor sunshine and other products.



38 years developmental history as a global brand enables Agio to accumulate rich experience in the technical treatments of selecting products comfortable materials, the collaborated designing with internationally famous designers, the research and development of new materials and new products, as well as the production field. Meanwhile, it constantly expands new concepts and absorbs new information when consolidating the past experience. Using skilled technology and rich experience, it gives play to its enthusiasm and constant classical and creative ideas! It makes enables every Agio product to represent the pursuit of beauty and comfort in life.




The application of diversified textures and colors enables it not to be limited to the repeated promotion of any trend, but integrate environmental protection, practicability and texture. This is the best interpretation of Agio.



After several months of preparations


The top in&outdoor leisure furniture brand —Agio


Officially settles on July 15th


In Tmall—the biggest B2C e-commerce website in China 


Just allow Agio to lead you to appreciate


Different outdoor & indoor spaces


And the most classical and unique exotic & leisure style


Enjoy your real tasteful life







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